Monday, November 7, 2011

Joy To The World

"I believe that if, at the end, according to our abilities, we have done something to make others a little happier, and something to make ourselves a little happier, that is about the best we can do. To make others less happy is a crime. To make ourselves unhappy is where all crime starts. We must try to contribute joy to the world."  ~ Roger Ebert

What a relief that I can die happy now - because I have definitely contributed joy to the world by bringing Belle into it! Still feeling sentimental after her 2nd birthday & I am just amazed, actually beyond words, at the person she is. She makes me laugh so hard my cheeks hurt every day. She even makes strangers smile everywhere we go.

Some of her funny quotes lately:

"I am going to walk my foots to the dentist party." (She pretends to go to a party every day. She puts on her new princess shoes, my beach bag & grabs all kinds of stuffed animal "friends" & says "Bye Mom, I am going to the party!" Lately, the party is a doctor party or a dentist party.)

Her Christmas List "A bunny. A deer. A Book. A Horse. A Book..." Today she added, "A Pumpkin, A book, A mouse." The animals will be well read & well fed. ;) (oh, and just so you know she's only 99.9% girl... she also wants a train and an airplane for Christmas!)

She loves to help me drive by pointing out the color of the light, "Red light! 'top!" "Green light means go!" and my favorite, "Lellow light...'loooow down!"

And my moment of bragging... she can count to 11 & loves to try and count higher, she knows almost all of her letters & sounds (usually identifying them by saying, "G, Grandpa. D, Duck. etc), and (heavily knocking on wood now) she is excellent with her underoos, as she likes to call them. Oh, and rhyming is big at our house these days! She has nicknamed Dr Suess, Suess-a-ma-goose. I had nothing to do with that! But I love it!

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