Belle wore a fancy dress to dinner
Fell in love with her "babies", which are my Madame Alexander dolls from when I was small. We close their eyes each night and say, "Night Night Babies" as we turn out the lights. In the morning Belle says, "Wake up, Baby!"
She also feel in love with Elmo. Ok, nothing new there, but she is particularly in love with a new movie "Elmo's ABC". She calls the movie "J moon" because her favorite part is the letter j rotating on a purple moon. She also said "marvelous" after watching the m section.
And something Mommy thinks is marvelous... pig tails! Unfortunately Belle is not a fan, so she has not been subjected to them since. But I have a feeling I won't be able to resist another try for much longer.
Now that the afternoons can get hot (yes, already!), we go to the "no neigh" park (the park without horses, as apposed to the "neigh" park by Gma & Gpa) almost every morning
Daddy has dubbed Belle "the commentator" and at no time is this clearer than at the park! She likes to tell us what's happening as we do it: "on slide", "look moon", "tub in", etc. She walks around the park repeating everything anyone says! She also answers any question. So, if a mom says to her child, "Do you want to go on the slide?" Belle will reply "no". Pretty funny. She loves to play with the other children, and walks right up, waves and says, "hi". She then produces some treasure, usually a rock, sometimes sand, offers it to the child and says, "give". She is a little chatterbox! She can say at least 2 syllables now, although she prefers to nick-name things. Lotion = losh, rhinoceros = rhinas, avocado = avocad, etc, etc. She says full sentences, responds to all of my questions, and definitely expresses her opinion! She could not be more fun!
Oh yay! This totally warmed my chilly "spring" day. Seriously, I know it's already hot in AZ, but it's unseasonably cold in New York and it makes me miss everything out there - especially you, Belle and Patrick! I'd really like to come out before Christmas for a visit...with cousin Buddy! We send our love and thanks for the new pictures of my beautiful niece!