Thursday, April 28, 2011

1st Haircut, 2nd Easter, Umpteenth Love

Belle was in desperate need of a haircut. I let her mullet-out for a long time, but once her eyesight was impaired, I decided it was time for a trim.

Stage 1: Mommy cuts Belle's hair
Belle repeats, "Mama hurt! Mama hurt!" Thank goodness we were in our own home!

This is actually a flattering angle of the haircut massacre.

Stage 2: I take Belle to "Cool Kids Cuts" where she gets to a) Play with toys & other children, which she adores. b) sit in a Belle sized firetruck c) watch the movie of her choice on her personal TV (she chose Elmo's musical numbers)  and d) eat a duck cookie (both before and after. I was going to attempt during, but as you can see....not so much)

I have no idea how the amazing "Miss Barbara" (also Belle's boyfriend's hairdresser) got anything straight, but somehow she did!

So Belle took her stinkin' cute new haircut self to Emma's house for Easter (oh and Aunt Laura, Uncle Tom, Casey, John & Dan live there too. But to Belle, it's Emma's house)

But first, she had to open her Easter basket! It was the first time that she understood she was opening a present! Very exciting for Mommy. Then we had a delicous breakfast with Uncle J & Bree, and of course, put some bunny ears on dog.

Riding along with cousin Casey

Drinking "egg juice", as Belle calls it. (She has since asked for it repeatedly at home! I really need to ask Laura what kind of juice was in the egg b/c whatever I put in there is not it! haha)

Jumping on the trampoline!

When she saw Grandma pulling the twins in the little red wagon, she had to hop in!

I think the little had quite the Easter!

Last but not leat, Belle has discovered a love of Nutella AKA "tella"

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