Is anyone else excited to wake up every morning lately? The weather is great, the holidays are greater & well, babies are the best! I know Belle is technically not a baby, but somehow the coming of this new little guy is reminding me of the baby she was & the baby she really still is.
Just a little recap of the fun this time of year brings! (The new blog photo is Belle & Jack at the Train Park. Thanks for making Belle a fan of trains, Jack!)
Zoo Lights!
Turkey Cookies for breakfast (the day after Thanksgiving) by the fountain outside of AJ's
"Grocery shopping" on Thanksgiving
Getting her yearly addition to "The Wall of Tall"
General merriment whilst cooking Thanksgiving dinner!
A bun in the oven...
A pie on the pan.
Fingerpainting bunnies for Grammy's Birthday!
Meeting Aunt Mary in braids. She reacted to the braids as she did pigtails. So they have only happened once, but one day, you will love braids Belle! I just know it!
Puppet Theatre with Grammy (they saw The Little Red Hen & she now calls herself that when we bake, which is her favorite activity. Perfect for pregnant me at Christmas! Baking pics to come!)
And going waaay back... all ready to go out on Mommy's Birthday!
We have so many pics right now... more baking and Christmas fun to come!