Tuesday, August 23, 2011

The Duck & The Moose!

As I'm sure you all know by now, Belle is going to be a big sister! And thus begins a life of sharing... starting with her blog title. Luckily, she is a very good sharer... so far. ;) Belle is excited about the new baby. She has kissed my belly now, and calls the baby "moose", "teddy", "clover" and sometimes "dee-da". Pat and I crack up at the name Dee-Da Godwin. Clearly, we will name the child Moose.

We had a wonderful trip to Mission Beach! I'm going to let the pictures do the most of the talking because frankly, there's too many pics for both!

Practicing safety

 (below) Telling Grammy & Grandpy about the baby. Belle was wearing a big sister shirt & Grammy unzipped it. She was truly shocked this time!

Washing her hands & re-sanding them was the highlight of the afternoon

Belmont Park pics: Belle was enthralled with the carousel & said she would ride the camel when she is "big like grammy". Pat & Grammy rode the "coller roaster"...while a pregnant me watched.

Another day at the beach! I don't think there has every been a sandier child (or a happier one)!

Seaport Village (& the ride home in Daddy's cool shades) - I'm 14 wks there & you can see my belly starting

Playing with her best friend, Frog & Grammy's hat

The San Diego Zoo! Belle saw a "baby pottamous" (baby hippo) & loved it!

Puppet show at Balboa Park - Belle is pointing to the "Whale, you are going to time out!" for eating all the fish. Luckily he burped them up, which she mentions when she burps now.

Last night out to dinner. Belle looked right at the waiter & said, "Do you have goat here?"

Angel baby on the ride home

Ready for another adventure! The next morning, Pat asked us where we would like to have breakfast & Belle replied, "San Diego!"

1 comment:

  1. So much fun! And we can't wait to meet Moose! How lucky are we -- two Godwin BFFs! xoxo
