Friday, November 19, 2010

Finally a POST!

Hi blog friends! We've missed you! Belle has done sooo much over the past month and a half - I can't possibly post it all! But I will give you the highlights ;) by relaying her favorite things:

                                                      Beginning with "Balloos"
                                       And moving on to ducks (and grandpa, of course)
                                        And splashing in the "dub" (as in rub a dub dub)
Brushes - she watches me get ready in the morning and squeals when the brush comes out
                                                going along with brushes - bows
Babies! She points to the baby's mouth and says, "yum". Grandma told a funny story; she and Belle were at the yogurt shop when Belle pointed to a little girl and said, "Baby!" to which the indignant little girl replied, "I'm not the baby! She's the baby!" Belle thinks every child under 5 (besides her) is a baby.

The zoo. (and her friend Lyla) The 1st time we went, she called everything a "dog".

That's a horse and a sheep, also known as "neigh" and "ba" She calls her seahorse (the stuffed animal that sings her to sleep) "neigh", get it? ;)

She loves our morning jog, which she is ready for here. But mostly she loves throwing her toys overboard. Pat went for a jog after Belle and I today and he came back with her whale (she had thrown it from her stroller in the park without my noticing).

Loves playing with that baby in the mirror or the oven

And last but certainly not least, Daddy!


  1. Welcome back! We missed you, and I was definitely in need of a Belle fix! :)

    Such a sweet, smart girl -- can't wait to snuggle her up soon!

  2. Yay! Can't wait to see you tomorrow!
