Saturday, October 22, 2011

Mother Nature's Pumpkin Patch!

Today we visited the Pumpkin Patch (in the heat) but nonetheless, it was lots of fun!

The first thing we saw: Baby Chicks. Yep, it's gonna be a good day!

Scarecrow baby ( we also attempted a horse) too curious to look at Mommy.

This one is for me!

Belle was in love with one particular piglet & got to feed a goat!

I have a million more pics, but you get the gist! We had a GREAT morning! We went on a hayride, got a balloon, ran around a pumpkin patch, chose a couple of pumpkins (even though Belle really disliked picking up her dirty pumpkin :) ), got some M & M cookies.... phew! What a morning! And one of my all time favorites.

And after that... Cousin Casey came over!

 Cutest Cousins ever!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Cacophony of Cute

I have a bunch of cute pics of Belle that I have yet to post...but they don't quite go together. ;) So for your not-so-musical enjoyment, Belle! (at 22 and 23 months)

Belle loves to help mommy vacuum with her Snow White "Whistle While You Work" vacuum.

Just headin' to the grocery store. We needed some "friends".

Sheer joy at the park

Not so much joy in the car

Young Love

Ridin' along

Making a "nest for Tweety Godwin. My bird friend."

Twirling at Story Time

Taking over the teacher's chair - I'm so proud

And after all of that... plum tuckered out. Chocolate cheeks and all.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Belle-O-Ween Draws Near!

Welcome to my month, friends! So far, I am LOVING October! Pumkins, scarecrows (some of which are "cawey" = scarey & to some of whom I say, "You're so pretty"), the park & the zoo! And lest we forget, my introduction to M & M's! Mmmm.... what will Trick-or-Treating bring?

At Trader Joe's Pumpkin Patch with Unle J. Who wants to look at a camera when you can look at pumpkins? We are taking Belle to a real pumpkin patch later this week! Maybe we'll even get her to ride a pony! So far she won't get on the carousel until she is "big like grammy" or  "when baby brother is tiny and I am big", but a real pony might just do the trick!

Also, I don't believe I ever mentioned her version of the clean up song. For the record the clean up song ends, "everybody everywhere, everybody do your share." Belle's version ends, "everybody, everywhere, everybody do your hair!" She cracks me up. ;)