Thursday, January 27, 2011

The Incredible, Wish She Was Edible... Belle!

Ladies and Gentlemen... we have a toddler! 14 months marks the spot - Belle has been walking! And now, she is off and running - or at least attempting to. Her favorite place to run? To the tub. She wants to climb in EVERY moment of the day! It's quite cute/dangerous. She calls the tub "dub a da" as in "rub a dub dub, time for a tub".

Belle is very talkative these days! (I don't know where she gets it. Must be Daddy.) She understands everything we say, and she can (and does) make her wants clear. Which I happen to like. And support. She puts 2 and even 3 words together to form little sentences, and if we don't understand something she tries different combinations. I know. Mensa has a toddler chapter, right? And there aren't parents lined up at the door for testing, are there?

Her favorite thing to do is give all of her toys a kiss. Actually, it's not her toys - she likes to give babies and animals kisses (it doesn't matter if it's only a picture). Yesterday we also had to kiss the picture of corn. (the food, not the band) Of course, Mommy has to kiss everything too, and she asks by holding out the picture/toy and saying "Muah!", which is the sound I make when I give her a big kiss. These things not only get kisses, they get bows too! Everything needs a bow. Lately she wants bows clipped to pictures of animals/babies as well.

So that is our day in a nutshell. Discussing bows, clipping bows onto stuffed animals, babies and pictures of animals and babies. And then giving these objects big smacking kisses. Not bad for a hard days work.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Mission Accomplished

Resolution # 1:

Done and done.

Wait a minute... did someone say Aunt Shelley and Unlce Brandon are coming to visit?

Did someone else say Mommy was too busy having fun to take many pictures?

Well, you tell that person we'll take fun over pictures any day! ;)

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Peek - a- boo Belle

Vote for Belle to be Zulily's cutie of the month! search Peek-a-boo Belle and vote!

She's up there at the top already!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Double Bs

It's all about the BFF and the Betrothed! Jasper and Jack, respectively to be precise.

As you know, they went to Zoo Lights! The previous pics were curtesy of Mama Jen. I wanted to share mine too!

Ok, I think this is hilarious. Mainly because we saw Jazzy every day, molars coming in, no naps & all & he was a PERFECT angel! This is the only time he cried - and it lasted 1.2 seconds. Also, Belle's eyes are closed... because picture taking is bright, mommy! Jack, you look adorable.

Silly Hat Crew

Oh, were you talking to us? (Jazzy's Birthday Party!)

Where to, Belle?

Oh, hi!

This is the only picture I could snap of Belle chasing the dogs, but they did let her pet them. They were very sweet pups.

And onto Belle's first sleepover! With...*gasp* her boyfriend!

Isn't that a romantic setting?

Dumping the toys together. Teamwork!

Oh Belle, you're so pretty. Would you like to look in the mirror?

Yes! Yes I would!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

A Week of Firsts

1st Trip to the wonder that is IKEA

1st Zoo Lights! (with her BFF and betrothed)

1st Carousel Ride! She chose the tiger (refused the alligator) - she was afraid to get on by herself at first, but apparently this is a safety hazard and she ended up having a great time all by herself! Now she says "roar" and does her one finger dance to remind me of the carousel. ;)

And today we're off to her bff's 1st Birthday party! (Happy Birthday, Bubub!)

Saturday, January 1, 2011


Resolution #1: Find some grass for Belle to loll in

# 2: See a movie with Patrick

What's yours?