Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Dear Aunt Mary,

This one's for you! Remember when we talked about making baby food together? Well, I did ! And it sort of failed... I think I need your skills. BUT Belle does love tofu and avocado mixed - I thought you'd like that. ;) Also, I will have to send you some vegan desserts to taste test for the cafe!

Friday, August 20, 2010

Yay for Belle!

A running list of words Belle can say now:

dada (workin' on da-dee)
yum! (after eating some fudgepop)
duck (according to Grandma - still trying to make her say it!)
All dah! (all done) bc the little one is not a fan of food -whose child is she?
And my personal favorite... "Yay!" which is how she greeted us this morning. Claps and Yays!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Big Rock Sandy Mountains

Dear Blog,

I have been to so many places and dragged through so many airports since last we met. I ate lots of puffs, played on the airport floor

 on a blanket of course (who do you think my mommy is anyway?) and was touched by a strange little boy on the plane (seriously mom). I also charmed the pants off everyone who met me (except maybe the 22 yr old boy I liked to kick in the seat next to us). I had a premonition of my own Montana wedding to the little boy in this picture

when I witnessed his parents say their vows by the most beautiful mountains I've ever seen (and that's sayin' something)!

Then I took my sunglasses to the beach! And guess who was there? Daddy, Grandma, Grandpa & Aunt Mary!

And it's a good thing too because who else would keep me so warm

while the ocean made me so cold?

I've missed you!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Auntie Shelley

We had such a great time with Auntie Shelley! Belle is such a big girl now!

Here she is helping her cousin and Auntie paint pottery:

Notice the big girl high chair?

Bye Bye Auntie! We miss you! (oh and Belle is attempting to say "Bye Bye")

"Feed Me!"

Belle is afraid of plants. Seriously. Including flowers. Especially sunflowers. Especially the sunflower she wears on her head. Seriously!

Check out her latest youtube videos!

We'll have so many more after our summer vacations!

Picture 756

Picture 761.avi

Picture 764.avi