Sunday, May 30, 2010

Summer Time!

Belle went for her first swim yesterday! Well, actually, she dipped in the pool on Friday evening at my staff party first, and she loved it so much (tried to dive in head first) that I thought we should go for a proper swim on Saturday. So we woke up on Saturday morning, planted some flowers (Petunias and Periwinkles, yes mainly because I like the names) in a box for her window

and then went for a swim while Daddy worked on the yard. She LOVED kicking and splashing in the water!

The bubbles took some getting used to but they turned out to be great fun too!

(And thank you Adrienne for the song suggestion)

Monday, May 24, 2010


Oh blog, how I missed you! We jus got back from good ol' Omaha! I missed it so much! It still feels like home. We arrived at 2:00pm on Friday, stopped by my old work, MCR, went to our hotel, and were off to Lonnie & Jenn's wedding! It was such a beautiful day for it! Jenn was gorgeous of course & I've never seen Lonnie smile so big! And Belle fell asleep on the dance floor...

On Saturday, we met Miss Bets at Wheatfields! The best company (oh, Betsy I miss you sooo much!) and I got an almond strawberry waffle brule... in true decadent Wheatfield style!

Then we saw Pudge (2 of our favorite people in one morning!)

Then it was time for fun downtown - stopped at The Old Candy Shoppe for a mudball and a chocolate covered smore and met lil' Sarah and Kara at the Upstream (no pics bc the little one was quite tired). A quick nap for Belle and we went to Joe's for a BBQ! It was a really pretty night & Joe made yummy food. The next day, we ate brunch downtown, went on a reminiscent tour and then it was off to Wenninghoff's Farm!

Finally we walked across the new bridge and Belle got her first mini sunburn bc they took her sunscreen at the airport. :( Today, she has been an excellent helper while I unpack and do the laundry.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Here's one to the rest of my life!

I was reading a friend's blog (Jen) & she said the sweetest thing. She said that she can't wait to celebrate mother's day for the rest of her life, which of course made me realize that I get to celebrate mother's day for the rest of my life. I was so happy I almost cried. Which made me wonder if I'm pregnant because why am I so emotional? ;0 But let's not have a facebook repeat - I am not pregnant with Golden! I am, however, unbelievably happy that yesterday was absolutely perfect... just because I have Belle (and Patrick).

Is it wrong that I want to bite her bottom?

Patrick took us out to eat even though he was overnight on Sat. He also brought me my favorite flowers, chocolate mouse cake, a card with yet another note that nearly made me cry and an In Touch magazine (which was probably my favorite part)... now I know where Belle gets her perfection.

And the cherry on top!

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Daddy's Birthday!

Today is Daddy's Birthday! This is how much I love Daddy:

I had WAY more pictures uploaded here - bloggers, why did only 3 show?

Thursday, May 6, 2010

6 Month Update!

My little Belle is officially 6 months old! Can you believe it? It feels like I blinked and the time was gone! I'll be sure to tell her this again when she's 16 so she can cherish the moment with me. ;) I know how teenagers love to hear that! It's the biggest cliche for a reason - it's so true! She took her shots like a champ! She was such a good girl! She is now 26 1/2 inches (78%) and 14.14lbs (29%) Naturally, we have been stuffing her silly, which she doesn't seem to mind. She's just a petite flower. Speaking of flowers, we are in the process of putting flowers on Nanny's Birthday Cake! Happy Birthday Nanny!

I almost forgot the biggest news of all! Belle has TEETH! She got her 2 bottom teeth! (And she can reach Mr. Bird now) Yay for Belle!